Imparting the women to identify self worth
A workshop for women of the different Parishes within Vasai Diocese was organized bySakhya Women’s Guidance Cell in collaboration with Commission for Women,Vasai Diocese on 3rd August, 2013 at Jeevan Darshan Kendra from 9.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. This workshop was aimed at reaching out to women to enhance their self worth and discover their potentials.
programme began with registration of the participant. Total participants
present for the programme were 87. Ms. Hilda the director of Sakhya gave
welcome address introducing the theme of the workshop.
upbringing enables us to understand our negative aspect with conditions to do
something in order to grow positive. We see the hole in the paper and not the
whole paper Father demonstrated. In bringing up children Father went on to say,
parents have a great responsibility to ensure the environment is one filled
with Love because Love strengthens the positive aspect. If we think negative,
we will not be able to view others positively. Our journey within begins by
knowing ourselves.
of us have seen ourselves. What we see is only our reflection. Father fished
for answers to his question if anyone has seen himself/herself? Father went on
to say; The reflection others see of themselves in us, will endorse their own behaviour
in the world. Light, he said has the strength but Darkness has no strength.
Hence darkness is not the opposite of light. It is rather the absence of light
he concluded. Similarly Fear is the absence of Love and how do we keep this
love alive in us. One simple way is by thinking positive because when we think
positive our whole body becomes positive. In a family, even if one member is
positive, the level of love will be maintained for every other member of the
family. Father discouraged negativity, reiterating that it brings in stress thus
inviting mental threat and resulting in changes within the body.
second session began after the Lunch break.
Ms. Evelette and Ms Avidha were resource persons of this workshop on ‘Fabulous Me’. To the sound of background music, women were
asked to walk slowly, jog, walk with small steps, large steps, walk awkwardly
and each time women were asked to stop, close their eyes and stay with the
feeling. Surely got all of them into the mood of thinking of themselves –everything
helped in lightening hearts and everyone thoroughly enjoyed as they became
little children in the moment of this activity.
women were then divided into groups of 10 and each of them got a paper and asked
to identify themselves with any object – living or non-living that closely
resembled their nature. With the help of crayons and sketch pens they drew
fishes, trees, spiritual objects, flowers etc. and two of each group explained
to the rest of us why they thought the object resembled them. It surely was an
in-depth sharing.
the resource persons took them through a meditation session wherein they were
asked to imagine sitting in a beautiful environment with a bowl of aromatic
oil. This session aimed at getting women to shower lots of love on themselves. As
they imagined a calm and serene atmosphere with a gentle breeze blowing, they
placed abundant oil on each of our body parts, massaging it gently and lovingly.
Along with the oil, they also poured love in abundance especially on the
painful parts of our body. It surely gave everyone a tingling feeling of
positivity and being loved. Wonderful indeed!
women next wrote on small chits of paper all the negative within them that they
wished to flush out and deposited it in a make belief plastic toilet seat with a
definite understanding of it being flushed out and never to return to haunt us
in their life ahead. It was surely an enjoyable session for all and many of us
were laughing with relief after an enjoyable session.
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