creation on good menstruation hygiene practices
Sakhya Women’s Guidance Cell
organized a workshop on Health and Hygiene on 27th May at
Shivshankarpada, Nirmal in which 38 adolescent girls in the age groups of 10-18
years actively participated. It was conducted by the resource persons Ms.
Harsha and Ms. Deepali from Proctor and
Gamble Company.
It started with welcome of
the resource persons and every participant introduced themselves to rest of the
Discussions veered on the
orientation on good menstruation practices such as use of sanitation napkins,
precaution taking during the period, dietary habits. She explained about
reproductive organs and its care so as to ensure healthy reproduction.
A documentary film was shown
on basic menstrual hygiene creating awareness about proper hygiene during menstrual cycle.
The workshop resulted in
sensitizing the participants on various complications arising out of lack of
menstruation hygiene and also spread the message to the neighbours since few of
women who did not participate asked the Social Worker to organize same workshop
again.35 sanitation napkins were distributed among the participants.
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