Workshop on Positive Thinking
Sakhya organized a workshop on Positive Thinking
on 15th February at Nirmal in which 24 women participated.Mrs. Evelette Sequeia
and Mrs. Avidha were the resource persons who conducted the workshop.The
workshop began with introductory session in which each of the participants
introduced themselves accompanied by a different action. In order to lighten
the mood of the day the participants were asked to close their eyes and to
trudge along the hall with slow paces.
The women were divided into groups of 4 and each of them were asked to
draw and paint pictures that depicted themselves and that which resembled their
personality and nature followed by sharing in groups. The sharing was very deep and reflective.
The next activity that followed was a meditation
session led by the facilitator. The
session enabled the women to delve into deep crevices of their being and heal
the pains and wounds inflicted over a period of time. Later they were instructed to write on chits
of paper all the aspects and limitations which hindered their development and
subsequently flush it down a make believe toilet never to return. It was indeed
an experience where women were able to give time for themselves in an exclusive
manner. They were happy and enriched
with the experience.