Friday, 29 November 2013

Workshop on Adoption and Safe Surrender

   On 18th November 2013 at 2:15 pm, workshop was conducted with the nursing staff in Thane Civil Hospital‘s nursing college meeting hall on adoption and safe surrender. The workshop was organized by Sakhya Women’s Guidance cell and the resource person was Savita Nagpurkar from Indian Association for Promotion of Adoption and Child Welfare (IAPA).The Social worker Kamini introduced the resource person to the nursing staff by giving a brief view about her work .The resource person started the workshop by showing two half minute videos and asked the nursing staff to distinguish between the two. In the first video the girl was sad because her family had thrown her child away as she was an unwed mother .In the second video other girl was happy because the unwed had given her child for adoption and had secured the child’s life. With the example of the video Mrs. Savita tried to explain the plight of an unwed mother .How some of the unwed mothers are forced to put their child away by their families or are killed after birth or in some cases given illegally to couples who cannot have their own child. She shared how some doctors in some hospitals illegally give unwed mothers child to a couple who cannot have their own. Back in time couples adopted children but later when the child became sick and struck by some danger disease or became physically disabled or when the couple have their own child later they used to give back the adopted child to the ashram where they adopted the child from causing a trauma in the minds of those children. Because of all these reasons the adoption process came into picture. The resource person further explained the nursing staff if they come across such cases where an unwed mother does not know what to do with the child they can help them by referring them to the IAPA which will help them through the process and help the child to be with a family through adoption. In this way unwed mothers don’t have to abandon the child in some dustbin or near litter areas. Safe surrender project was started by the IAPA to ensure that a child gets to live in a family through adoption. The adoption process requires proper documents of the family who wish to adopt pan card, address proof, salary slip. The person who adopts must have adequate income and has to have an insurance policy removed in the name of the child adopted to ensure the future of the child so that he/she is not abandoned by the adopted family. Later the resource person asked nursing staff to share their views on the topic. One nurse shared that a relative in her family had adopted a child undergoing all the legal process and now the child is as their own .Some nurses took the contact number of the resource person and interacted with her sharing some cases. The workshop came to an end at 4:00 with a song sung by the social worker and a vote of thanks to the resource person and the nursing staff.

Thursday, 28 November 2013

International Week for Elimination of Violence against Women

Saturday, 23 November 2013

    International week for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Sakhya Women’s Guidance Cell like each year this year too is going to observe International week for the Elimination of Violence against Women from 25th November 2013 to 10th December 2013. The objective of celebration of this week is to raise public awareness of violence against women and to educate them about consequence of violence against women.

Campaigns will be organized from Virar to Naigaon at market places, schools, colleges, Women Development Cells through distribution of brochures, newsletters,display of banners, individual talks and tempo rally.

The campaign will draw attention to the need for continuing action to eliminate violence against women and also encourage the local people to say no to violence.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

                                              Celebrating sports day

On 19th Oct 2013 Sakhya in collaboration with UPS global volunteers organized sports at Shivshankar pada for the community women, total 55 women from Shivshankar pada, Kalam & Bandar pada Wagoli participated in the event. Sakhya staff and students divided women in five groups [Red, Yellow, green, orange and violet] eleven women in each group.  

Program started with welcome of the participants, UPS Staff and SNDT students by Mrs. Shalini. The objective of program was explained to the participants.
 “Chiri miri- Chiri miri” an energizing song conducted by Ms. Rushila brought enthusiasm among women to participate in the sports event.
Following games were conducted with women:
·         Balloon relay
·         Passing the water
·         Putting chilly in the bottle
·         Beauty contest with news papers, bindis and straws.
·         Bombing the city
Last game ‘Queen of Sheeba’ was conducted by UPS staff. 
At the end of the programme prizes and snacks were distributed to women trough UPS staff. All of them received prizes.

Women were very happy. They enjoyed the sports event. All of them participated in all the games.  In spite of their busy schedule they made time to come together.  While playing group games one could see the bonding that was taking place among the group. Each participant wanted to play and win for their group; they were cheering up, supporting & encouraging each other. 

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

 Sakhya part of Sexual harassment committee at workplace

The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013  has made it mandatory for the professional set up to establish complaint and response mechanism  to deal with sexual harassment cases  .It also recommends that committee should involve a third party,either NGO or other body who is familiar with the issue of sexual harassment, in order to prevent possibility of any undue pressure or influence from the committee senior levels.
Sakhya’s work on development and empowerment of women are receiving attention from different sectors which have initiated set up for complaint and response mechanism of sexual harassment at workplace. Sakhya was offered the membership in sexual harassment committee at Ratnakar Bank ltd., UPS Foundation,Mumbai and Gananmata Adivasi Madhyamik Ashram Vidayalay,Zar Talasarai.Ms. Hilda Fernandes, Director of Sakha has been appointed as a member of sexual harassment committee of Ratnakar Bank ltd., Mumbai and UPS Foundation, Mumbai.  Ms. Sunlia Bhise, the Social Worker of Sakhya has been appointed as a member of sexual harassment committee of Gananmata Adivasi Madhyamik Ashram Vidayalay,Zar Talasarai. They represent Sakhya in  the meeting of Committee on regular basis .